Download wordpress themes
Download wordpress themes

download wordpress themes

You will not get a free theme which is better than a premium theme. Are you going to use it in your blog? Or you going to let people know about problem of using such freely available wordpress themes? What is your point of view about such free Premium wordpress themes which are easily available on Internet. If you don’t have money, go ahead and download any premium looking free WordPress theme, but don’t download themes or plugins from torrent or unreliable sources. For few dollars are you going to risk your page rank and search engine traffic. So if you still fall in the trap of getting premium WordPress themes for free, think again. There common place from where you get such malicious WordPress themes are : Many times these free uploader uses encrypted code which is hard to get rid of. More over it’s mostly a new file in your theme folder is added which has malicious code. Such codes are usually added into header.php or footer.php files of theme. It may not appear to you at the beginning but later on when you will realize the traffic will drop, it will be too late. In most of the cases reasons are adding codes in theme file, to pass on traffic or ranking. In such themes, people who upload those themes, they upload it for specific reasons. I specifically mentioned about Encrypted footer, but its not the same in the case of such premium WordPress theme which is freely available on Internet. If you remember my previous post on Free wordpress theme Vs Premium wordpress themes. So now point here is why premium WordPress themes are available for free on Internet.

Download wordpress themes