This is only relevant to things which use the native depth buffer, like the new Cybermorph script. An option for adjusting MSAA has been added to the video settings.A new script is included which allows Cybermorph to render polygons/textures at the native resolution.Compiled scripts must be enabled through a new Script Modules feature. Developer options are also available to automatically detect script changes while the application is running. In developer mode, scripts are auto-recompiled on startup. Imagine if we could utilize this emulator to also do things like increate Cybermorph’s draw distance to farther than three feet in front of your ship!?!? I’m really interested to see where people take it from here, but for now, here’s the full release notes – And if you’d like to hear more from Rich, check out the interview we did below: Rich already includes scripts that let AVP run at a faster framerate and a script that lets Cybermorph render polygons/textures at the native resolution. This new build of the emulator opens up SO MANY possibilities for the Jaguar! Theoretically, the community could build scripts to “upgrade” any Jaguar game. More info below the links and check out the video above to see Rich explain and demo some of these new dev features!: This adds a ton of features, including the ability to use scripting to increate framerates and hack games to render some elements in higher resolutions! He’s also added mouse (and spinner!) support, as well as developer options that let you make changes without recompiling. Developer and non-kitchy YouTube personality Rich Whitehouse has just released version 1.06 of his Atari Jaguar BigPEmu.